Saved Filters & GA Watchdog

Saved Filters

Do you search the Marketplace regularly? Create and save your search filters for those items you look for often. All saved search settings can be found under Filters in the navigation menu. Here you can run them manually as well as edit their settings.

GA Watchdog

Are you looking for items you definitely do not want to miss? We have a simple yet effective solution for you! Activate the GA Watchdog for any of your saved filters and we’ll monitor the Marketplace for you continuously for the next 12 month. Should a new item matching the search criteria be added onto the Marketplace we will immediately notify you via email. This way you will not miss any opportunity that may occur. The GA Watchdog is an indispensable service for every enthusiast and can be activated using Watchdog tokens. Upon expiry of the service after 12 months, if you have a sufficient Watchdog token balance, the service will automatically renew for additional 12 months.

Watchdog Tokens

With Watchdog tokens you can purchase the GA Watchdog service for your saved search filters. This will give you the luxury of a continuous awareness about items you’re seeking after without the need for you to check for those manually. Initial Watchdog tokens are included in the Premium GA Membership and additional tokens can be purchased using PayPal.

Are you looking for items you definitely do not want to miss? We have a simple yet effective solution for you! Activate the GA Watchdog for any of your saved filters and we’ll monitor the Marketplace for you continuously for the next 12 month. Should a new item matching the search criteria be added onto the Marketplace we will immediately notify you via email. This way you will not miss any opportunity that may occur. The GA Watchdog is an indispensable service for every enthusiast and can be activated using Watchdog tokens. Upon expiry of the service after 12 months, if you have a sufficient Watchdog token balance, the service will automatically renew for additional 12 months.