GotAuthentic Benefits

We are not just another website for collectors of sports items, of which there are dozens in the world. We are more. We are building an online community where you can find everything you need and everything you will ever want. Here is a brief description of several reasons to register.

Virtual Museum

We are sure it's already happened to you. Did you get a jersey and you don't know what season it is from? We will help you! Just select the club in a simple filter and sort the available jerseys from the oldest to the newest. And then just browse before you find what you are looking for. Are you interested in the history of a club or the career of one of the players? Adjust the filter settings and nothing else will bother you at that moment. Or do you just want to enjoy and see what beautiful pieces exist in the world of collectors? Just browse the virtual collections of all your fellow GA community members.


Imagine hiring someone to scan through all the posts every minute in the hour to find exactly what you are looking for. And imagine that (s)he does this for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long for as little as the cost of two beers. That's exactly what our Watchdog can do for you. It will browse and check our database for you every day, every minute, day and night, and will notify you by email as soon as it discovers something that might interest you. And since there are about 525,000 minutes a year, the watchdog will be in action exactly as many times. Don't let anything get away!


We will offer certified sports artifacts directly from various clubs, players or organizers of major events. And with such a certificate that has no analogues on the collector's market, itpractically makes it impossible to counterfeit collectibles. The given item will be documented at the moment the current owner puts it into circulation, and its appearance will be traceable directly on the website from then on. Certificates are secure and linked to a web item so that you can easily verify everything you need at any time.

Video Certificates

Another unique service that future owners of video-certified items will surely appreciate. For some particularly interesting and attractive items, you will not only receive our classic paper certificate, but together with the item we will also transfer a short documentary video to your collection. In it, the player will show you a jersey or other artifact on the camera and say something extra to further authenticate the item - memories, details, in short, anything that will be directly related to this item’s story. Would you want such items in your collection? You have the opportunity now at GA!

GotAuthentic Wiki

The Internet offers a lot of interesting information, but it is sometimes quite complex and time consuming to find, compile and verify. We try to simplify this process. We will add easily indexed texts, photos and documents, which you will then be able to search at any time and learn more about. We will work on the preparation of this documentation ourselves, but we will also welcome the help of our community, sports enthusiasts and historians.

And the best for last! To register with GotAuthentic won’t cost you a dime! So what are you waiting for?    Register