Ilves Tampere goal puck - CHL 2023/24 (Eemeli Suomi - 1:3), Pardubice vs Ilves 1:3, 31/8/23 #2646    notforsale

Ilves Tampere goal puck from 1st game in 2023/24 Champions Hockey League season. This power-play goal was scored by Eemeli Suomi, assisted by Joona Ikonen and Petr Kodýtek. Time: 49:50. Score: 1:3.
Hockey Hockey puck Gufex Finland Ilves Tampere 2023-2024 Finland
Certifikát - Certificate of Authenticity Hraný Podepsaný
1  0     1691 x     31.8.2023     8.9.2023